Tuesday, November 30, 2010

NaBloPoMo Victory!!!

I did it! This is my 30th post in 30 days! I really can't believe how fast this month flew by. And writing every day really wasn't that difficult. I actually began to look forward to it. I found myself laying in bed at night thinking of what I was going to write the next day. Or driving in my car dreaming up my next post. I'm really quite proud of myself. Last year this time I struggled to manage three posts a month, let alone 30!

This month has been a great time to find new blogs and get to know some new bloggers. I even managed to inspire a few wannabe-bloggers to join me, and I'm happy to say that they were successful, too! Every day I looked forward to seeing what all my cyber-friends had to say. I will still be popping in to check out their blogs, but I'm a little bit sad that I won't have the assurance that there will be something new for me to read every day. Oh well, now that I have so many new friends to follow, surely I'll be able to find something new to inspire me daily. But I may not be so tied to my computer following everyone as I have been lately.

I really want to thank everyone who has faithfully followed my blog, checking out the view from my window, as I've been travelling this journey. Those of you who have commented on the blog, or even emailed me your comments, have been so encouraging. It is so much harder to procrastinate when I know there are people waiting to see what I have to say!

So I may not blog tomorrow. But then again, I might! I've learned that coming up with something to say really isn't that difficult. It's just a matter of sitting back and allowing inspiration to take hold. And I'm sure there will be plenty of inspiration available in December!


  1. Congratulations... it wasn't as tough as I thought and it did go fast, although at times I wanted to just go to bed instead of writing. It feels good. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  2. I didn't quite make it but it wasn't my fault! Zelda asked me how you were doing the other day.

  3. Ok.so I am jsut reading your blog now..I missed a month......I don't thave time to even read a blog let alone write one!! Very jealous! I will start reading it regularly I promise!! Miss u!
