Sunday, November 27, 2011

Favourite Christmas Movies

There's nothing like family movie night, and there's nothing like a good Christmas movie to bring on the Christmas spirit! Last night after we got home from the basketball game, the kids decided they wanted to watch Elf, so I dug into the back of the entertainment cabinet and brought out all of our Christmas movies. We all love Elf. We watched it with the kids last year for the first time, and just like then, this time we were all rolling on the floor laughing. It is hilarious! So many one-liners that are just perfect, that we all repeat over and over again. When I came downstairs this morning the kids were watching it again, and this afternoon when Connor and I came home from church, Chris and Janelle were enjoying it again. I'm sure it isn't the last time we'll see it this holiday season. We love it.

After lunch Chris settled into the Lazyboy for a nap, and the kids were starting to act a little stir crazy. It was pouring rain outside, and I wanted to get most of the Christmas decorations up, so I decided to put on another movie for the three of us to watch while I worked away at decorating. This time I chose The Polar Express, another of my favourites. I loved it originally as the beautiful picture book by Chris Van Allsburg, and was thrilled when Tom Hanks and Robert Zumekis made it into such a great movie. Connor shared memories of his Polar Express day in Grade Three, when his class wore their pajamas to school, made train tickets, drank hot chocolate, read the story and watched the movie. There is one part of the movie that frightened Janelle a couple of years ago and she wouldn't watch it last year, but I thought this year she might be ready to try it again. She flinched at that part, but otherwise, she loved it. And I did get some decorating done, but not as much as I had hoped. I spent too much time watching the movie!

There are many other Christmas movies I love: Miracle on Thirty-Fourth Street (the original), It's a Wonderful Life, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the cartoon), to name only a few. Christmas isn't Christmas without a viewing of each of these at least once a season. Today I'm thankful for great Christmas movies. What are your favourites?

1 comment:

  1. I have not seen Elf but hopefully will this year. We also love THe Polar Express (and yes, my kids were scared of some parts a few years ago - the toys in the train still seem a bit freaky). Among our other faves are The Muppets Chrsitmas Carol and I personally like the Albert Finney version too. This year I'm getting back to the classics with White Christmas, It's a Wonderful Life, and whatever else I can find. What the kids love but I can't stand is Rudolph - shudder. The voices of those darn elves is like nails on a blackboard. Ho ho ho. Going to see Arthur this weekend.
