Monday, June 13, 2011

A Long Break

I was ready to sit down and finally write a blog post today about the most exciting thing that has happened since I last posted — our trip to Mexico. I even had a good deal of it composed in my head already. But when my fingers hit the keyboard, I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that it has been a whole month and a half since I last added anything to my blog. Six weeks! And no blogging at all!

First I thought about how sad that is. This blog is supposed to be pretty important to me, and I've just IGNORED it for 6 weeks! I supposedly love writing and recording thoughts, sharing my life with my readers, and I haven't even once sat down at my computer with the intention of blogging. Shameful! It wasn't that I didn't have plenty to say. Mexico alone could fill several posts if I allowed it! There was also the visit from my parents, the suspenseful story of my ear problems prior to our trip, our lawn woes, new trees we bought for our property, finally ordering a shed, Connor's first tooth extraction, the progress we've made on our basement, and plans for our summer vacation. I've had plenty of ideas. What I have lacked is time.

I am volunteering at the school at least three mornings a week now: two mornings in Janelle's class and one in a Kindergarten class. I love being there. It fills something in me that I just don't get anywhere else. It is building a longing in me to go back to work that I haven't felt in years. I am so ready to be teaching again! I just hope I am doing the right things to make that happen! Volunteering, watching job postings, and spending significant time in prayer over the matter — I guess that's really all I can do.

I also try to spend at least one day a week with a friend. Shopping, going for a walk, having lunch, whatever. It is so nice to be able to say that I can do that again! I have friends here! A year ago I was despairing that it would ever happen! And as always, I have a home and a family to take care of, and that does take a good portion of my time. So blogging has fallen by the wayside, but only temporarily. I am determined to make it a priority once again.

The difference between now and a year ago, however, is that now my blog is only one of many priorities. A year ago I sent my husband to work and my children to school and looked forward to a long, empty day ahead, seeing my blog as a joyful refuge in an otherwise lonely day. Now I have to find time to fit it into my fairly busy schedule. That is a good thing! It means I have a life here, and that is something to shout about!

So I've taken a long break, but I'm back. I'll be here to write about our trip to Mexico tomorrow, and how a second honeymoon can in some ways be even better than the first. I'll post pictures of the improvements to our yard, and I'll share about my children's daily adventures. But if I do disappear for a bit, don't give up on me. I'm a busy mom, and sometimes life gets in the way of simple pleasures like writing, but I'll always be back.

See you tomorrow!

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