Thursday, March 3, 2011

Too Much Time at the Dentist!

We have a new dentist. No surprise, since we've had a new everything in the past year. She is lovely; very competent, friendly and kind to my kids. The problem is, I feel like I am living at her office these days!

It started with Janelle's check-up on Feb. 1. Janelle has teeth that are terribly prone to cavities. Before this year, she'd had seven fillings in her short life. I brace myself for the news every time I take her for a check-up. She has only had one visit when the dentist has not found a cavity, and I've been assured there is really not much I can do to improve that. Janelle takes very good care of her teeth. Much better care, in fact, than her cavity-free brother does! So I wasn't surprised when our new dentist told me that Janelle would need two new fillings this year. I made the appointments right away. No point postponing the inevitable. The one saving grace is that Janelle doesn't mind fillings at all, or any trips to the dentist for that matter. I think she relishes the ooohs and aaahs of the dentist and all her staff over what a good girl she is, hopping up in the chair with a smile on her face. Both our old and new dentists have sworn they've never seen anything like her. Small consolation for a mouth full of fillings, but we'll take what we can get.

So we headed back to the dentist of February 7 and 15 for those two fillings. Then on Feb. 24 I had my own check-up, sorely needed, I'm afraid, since it had been nearly two years since my last. I was told I have the beginnings of gum disease (tsk, tsk, not enough flossing), and was given half a laser treatment that day to reverse the effects. Tuesday I was back for the other half of the treatment, and assured that "it's working already". I also have two appointments made for later in March when I'll get one new filling, and have an old one replaced.

Today it was Connor's turn. I told the dentist I'm starting to feel like I live in her office! I feel like the receptionists and I are old friends. I think I've met all the staff. My new dentist doesn't feel like my "new" dentist anymore. Connor is less comfortable with dental visits, primarily because he just hasn't had as many as his little sister. He has great teeth. No previous cavaties. No problems at all. Until today. Today we found out that he, like his mother, has not been flossing nearly enough. Gingivitis is rearing its ugly head. He needs to seriously make a habit of flossing and return to the dentist in three months, and if there is not an improvement, he also will need a laser treatment like I had. Oh, yeah, and he has his first cavity. Not one he could have prevented with better hygiene, I was assured, since it formed underneath the sealants he had gotten several years ago. He needs a filling. Another appointment.

So between my fillings and Connor's we'll be visiting the dentist three more times in March. Then in April the trips to the orthodontist begin. It seems my kids don't have room in their mouths to allow their adult teeth to grow in. Ugh. Too much time at the dentist! I'm ready to stop thinking about teeth!


  1. Did you invite the dentist to the movies last night? That's when you know you are seeing them too often :)

  2. LOL at Julie's comment! I could say I feel your pain but Randy is taking most of the dental trips this time.
